How long does it take for my music to go live on Thematic?

Learn about the process for submitting music to Thematic
Written by Thematic Team
Updated 1 year ago

Songs on Thematic typically go live within 3-4 weeks from the submission date.

All song submissions are sent to the Thematic creator community for review (barring any rights clearance issues). During this review, creators will be able to preview your song and cast their vote.

This process can take 1-3 weeks and you will be notified if your song has been approved or passed on by the community.

Once the song is live on Thematic, your music will be shared with the most influential creators in our community first (7 days before the rest of the creator community).

You will have the option to purchase a Front of the Line Boost to fast-track your song release date if you would like it to go live sooner.

Please reach out to should you have any questions!

**Please note: not every song submitted to our site is approved**

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