What is Earned Media Value?

Your Earned Media Value represents an estimated cost that the artist would likely have to spend through paid marketing efforts to achieve the same exposure and engagement they are receiving organically through Thematic.
Written by Thematic Team
Updated 1 year ago

Earned Media Value or “EMV” is a metric used by marketers to understand the monetary value of their organic (non-paid) marketing efforts.

We know that using influencer marketing platforms to promote music on YouTube and social media is traditionally very costly, time-consuming, and many times does not return value for the artist. That's why we made Thematic a free marketing platform for independent music artists and EMV is one metric that helps us measure the value we are delivering.

While there can be several variables to calculate a true EMV, we’ve used an industry benchmark of $6.00 CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions). Read more about EMV calculations here.

This EMV represents an estimated cost that the artist would likely have to spend through paid marketing efforts to achieve the same exposure and engagement they are receiving organically through Thematic.

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