How do I search on Thematic?

Find out how to search for songs, music artists, curated playlists, and creators on Thematic!
Written by Thematic Team
Updated 1 year ago

Easily search and discover songs, music artists, curated playlists, and creators on Thematic!

Enter your search term in the search bubble on our nav bar and click Enter or the search icon to start your search.

You can search across everything when search "All" or you can use the search drop-down menu to search songs, photos, or videos specifically 😎

Your search results will include any matched songs (including songs with lyrics matching your keywords), playlists, creators, artists, and photos & videos.

If you'd like to find a song that sounds like another song, use our Similar Song search. Simply click the drop-down menu in the search bar to select Songs and then click the YouTube icon.

This will open a pop-up window where you can add a YouTube video for any song. Click Search to discover all of the songs on Thematic that sounds like that song ✌️ 

P.S. If using Thematic on your mobile device, access the search bar from the menu.

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