How do I use Thematic to get free music for my videos?

Thematic provides creators with the best free music for YouTube videos
Written by Thematic Team
Updated 1 year ago

Get copyright free music for YouTube videos for free with Thematic.

Discover the perfect music for your next YouTube video. Songs are instantly matched to your aesthetic, video themes, the artists you love, and the creators you follow.

It's free and easy to get started. Here's how Thematic works:

  1. Sign-up for a free account

    Sign-up for a free Thematic creator account using your email address.

  2. Discover trending music, SFX, creators, and more!

    Thematic makes it easy to discover and download the best copyright-free music and sound effects for your videos and podcasts.
  3. Download music and sound effects

    Click the download button and import the song or SFX into the video editing software of your choice.

    ✔️ If you plan to use the music on YouTube, make sure you are logged in as the channel where you’ll be uploading your videos.

  4. Post your content!

    Thematic makes it easy to stay copyright claim-free.

    Find your unique license links on the ✅ Licenses & Downloads page in your Thematic account after downloading the songs.

    Add your license links to your video descriptions & captions when featuring the songs in your content. Your license links activate your music licenses and protect your videos from copyright claims.

    👉 Only use your own license links (links from other creators or channels won’t work).

  5. Get your videos promoted

    All creators will have their videos featured on their creator profiles. Your videos may also be promoted on the song and artist pages throughout the site. These videos are a great way to get new viewers and inspire the community!

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